Series 1: The Pioneers

Episode 1: Jeremy Hanson — Introduction
I’m not sure where betterwhirled is going, but I know it is best found in the lives of people who live it. So, we tell those

Episode 2: Robert Tesch-Stevson
Calm and strong. This is one of the most decent men I know – and resilient as hell. We met at Bryant Jr. High School

Episode 3: Pete Najarian
We called him “Sweet Pete” back in high school and you can see he still has some of those old moves. Pete has a heart

Episode 4: Willie “TC” Roller, Jr.
Still waters run deep. You don’t know a person until you’ve heard their story, so listen carefully. At Central, he hit the high notes in

Episode 5: Bob Paule
The Ring Leader. He keeps us together. Always checking in on people. Smart and tough, a little crazy, fights for the underdog. Penalty minutes record

Episode 6: Michael Johnson
MJ is living proof that you can live above the divide. “It takes too much energy to be mad”. Listen to the man. He has

Episode 7: The Pioneers
I told you not to take these guys too seriously. They don’t! But don’t mess with them either. They won’t back down on the things they care

Editor: Beau Larson
Beau grew up in Lutsen, Minnesota, on the shore of Lake Superior, went to school in Montana and is now settled with his family in the small town of Crested Butte, Colorado. He is accomplished in the area of film production (understatement – he has worked on some very crazy cool projects) and we are damned lucky to have him around. If you could see the mess I sent him, you’d know what I mean!